Río Pilcomayo: Un ecosistema transfronterizo

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The region of the Gran Chaco Americano, with its 100 million hectares, represents a unique environmental, social, and productive space in our region and the world. It generates significant environmental, social, and productive diversity, which poses the challenge of channeling regional integration efforts and opening doors to significant regional development.

In just a few decades, the Chaco has gone from being an ignored zone by many to being at the center of Cono Sur integration. We must see this as a great opportunity for the region, and for that, we strive for greater knowledge and understanding every day, contributing to the appreciation of this unique and irreplaceable region.

The Pilcomayo River basin is located in the heart of the Gran Chaco Americano, a transboundary space shared by Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. Undoubtedly, this tri-border space represents a hinge between our countries, leading us to actively seek forms of territorial integration, exchange of experiences, and joint efforts for a future of sustainable development, social inclusion, and nature preservation.

This book has been jointly produced by three institutions that have gradually delved into the geography and environmental, social, and productive issues of this great region, which is now on everyone's lips. Its content also represents the support of many other institutions and individuals who contribute to the life and knowledge of this ecoregion...

AUTHOR(S): Alejandro D. Brown, Ivan Arnold T., Yan Speranza.
Size: 30x21 cm / 112 pages / Full color · Hardcover / Publisher: Ediciones del Subtrópico / 2017 / Spanish

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